Facts About Type-2 Diabetes

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Type-2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, more than type-1. It is generally common in adults, aged people, overweight. But off late, we are witnessing an exponential rise in the number of youths suffering from this dreadful disease. The culprit, however, is the lack of physical exercises, extra amount of hours dedicated to work and lackluster eating habits. A combination of all these can result in causing type-2 diabetes in any person regardless of age and sex. Let’s have a closer look on what causes diabetes, what are the symptoms, things to consider and more.


Symptoms of Type-2 Diabetes

One of the many concerning issues with Type 2 diabetes is in the initial stages symptoms can go unnoticed. This means most of the patients diagnosed with it have symptoms way before the actual disease has set in or before they know it. It also states that a large proportion of people with Type 2 diabetes either show signs of damage to the eyes or hardening of the arteries from the time diabetologists commence the treatment. The primary symptoms are very much similar to type 1 diabetes.

Tiredness and dizziness.
Frequent urination.
Thirst. There may be some weight loss in special cases. However, it is more evident in type 1 diabetes.
Genital itching due to yeast infection.
Rash skin, recurrent infection. For e.g. boils.

Ways to help

Monitoring Blood Pressure

When you visit a Diabetologist in Mumbai, he will list out certain parameters to look after. They are:

Keep monitoring your weight and blood pressure. If you feel you are flabby, hop in a pair of shoes and start running.
Try keeping your arteries clean and blood circulation healthy. If you smoke or consume excess alcohol, now is the time to give up.
Pay attention to what you eat. Have a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, fibre and minerals, instead of fat.
Measure your blood sugar levels regularly and keep in touch with your experienced diabetologist.

In the longer run, diabetes can be controlled with the right kind of foods and in appropriate amount. However, you need to keep a tab on your weight as it can seriously outweigh your efforts to curb the effects of diabetes.